
Bioinformatics pipeline for single-cell 3' UTR isoform quantification

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A bioinformatics pipeline for single-cell 3’ UTR isoform quantification.


The scUTRquant pipeline builds on kallisto bus to provide a reusable tool for quantifying 3’ UTR isoforms from 3’-end tag-based scRNA-seq datasets. The pipeline is based on Snakemake and provides both Conda and Docker images to satisfy software requirements. It includes a prebuilt reference UTRome for mm10, which ensures a consistent set of features (3’ UTR isoforms) across different runs. In total, this provides a rapid pipeline for recovering 3’ UTR isoform counts from common scRNA-seq datasets.


The pipeline takes as input:

Note on UTRome Index

The pipeline includes code to download a prebuilt mm10 UTRome GTF and kallisto index. This prebuilt index was generated by augmenting the protein coding transcripts that have verified 3’ ends in the GENCODE vM21 annotation with high-confidence cleavage sites called from the Mouse Cell Atlas dataset. This augmented transcriptome was then truncated to include only the last 500 nts of each transcript and then deduplicated. Finally, the merge file contains information on transcripts whose cleavage sites differ by fewer than 200 nts, which corresponds to the empirical resolution limit for kallisto quantification as determined by simulations.

Please see our accompanying manuscript for more details.


The primary output of the pipeline is a Bioconductor SingleCellExperiment object. The counts in the object is a sparse Matrix of 3’ UTR isoform counts; the rowRanges is a GenomicRanges of the 3’ UTR isoforms; the rowData is a DataFrame with additional information about 3’ UTR isoforms; and the colData is a DataFrame populated with sample metadata and optional user-provide cell annotations.

To assist users in quality control, the pipeline additionally generates HTML reports for each sample.

The pipeline is configured to retain intermediate files, such as BUS and MTX files. Advanced users can readily customize the pipeline to only generate the files they require. For example, users who prefer to work with alternative scRNA-seq data structures, such as those used in Scanpy or Seurat, may wish to terminate the pipeline at MTX generation.



The pipeline can use either Conda/Mamba or Singularity to provide the required software.

Conda/Mamba Mode (MacOS or Linux)

Snakemake can use Conda to install the needed software. This configuration requires:

If Conda is not already installed, we strongly recommend installing Mambaforge. If Conda was previously installed, strongly recommend installing Mamba:

conda install -n base -c conda-forge mamba

Singularity Mode (Linux)

Snakemake can use the pre-built scUTRsquant Docker image to provide all additional software. This configuration requires installing:


  1. Clone the repository.
     git clone
  2. Download the UTRome annotation, kallisto index, and merge file.
     cd scUTRquant/extdata/targets/utrome_mm10_v1

    Reuse Tip: For use across multiple projects, it is recommended to centralize these files and change the entries in the configfile for utrome_gtf, utrome_kdx, and utrome_merge to point to the central location. In that case, one does not need to redownload the files.

  3. (Optional) Download the barcode whitelists.
     cd scUTRquant/extdata/bxs

    Reuse Tip: Similar to the UTRome files, these can also be centralized and referenced by the bx_whitelist variable in the configfile.

Running Examples

Examples are provided in the scUTRquant/examples folder. Each includes a script for downloading the raw data, a sample_sheet.csv formatted for use in the pipeline, and a config.yaml file for running the pipeline.

Look for output files in the qc/ and data/ folders.

Note that the config.yaml uses paths relative to the scUTRquant folder.

1K Neurons (10xv3) - BAM

  1. Download the raw data.
     cd scUTRquant/examples/neuron_1k_v3_bam/
  2. Run the pipeline.

    Conda Mode

     cd scUTRquant
     snakemake --use-conda --configfile examples/neuron_1k_v3_bam/config.yaml

    Singularity Mode

     cd scutr-quant
     snakemake --use-singularity --configfile examples/neuron_1k_v3_bam/config.yaml

1K Heart (10xv3) - FASTQ

  1. Download the raw data.
     cd scUTRquant/examples/heart_1k_v3_fastq/
  2. Run the pipeline.

    Conda Mode

     cd scUTRquant
     snakemake --use-conda --configfile examples/heart_1k_v3_fastq/config.yaml

    Singularity Mode

     cd scUTRquant
     snakemake --use-singularity --configfile examples/heart_1k_v3_fastq/config.yaml

File Specifications

Configuration File

The Snakemake configfile specifies the parameters used to run the pipeline. The following keys are expected:

Default Values

Snakemake can draw values for config in three ways:

  1. scUTRquant/config.yaml: This file is listed as the configfile in the Snakefile.
  2. --configfile config.yaml: The file provided at the commandline.
  3. --config argument=value: A specific value for an argument

This list runs from lowest to highest precedence. Configuration values that do not differ from those in scUTRquant/config.yaml can be left unspecfied in the YAML given by the --configfile argument. That is, one can use the scUTRquant/config.yaml to define shared settings, and only list dataset-specific config values in the dataset’s YAML.

Sample File

The sample_file provided in the Snakemake configuration is expected to be a CSV with at least the following columns:

Targets File

The extdata/targets.yaml defines the targets available to pseudoalign to. The default configuration provides utrome_mm10_v1, but additional entries can be added. A target has the following fields:


Creating Custom Targets

The Bioconductor package txcutr provides methods for generating truncated transcriptome annotations. The txcutr-db repository provides an example Snakemake pipeline for using txcutr to generate the files needed for the custom target, starting from Ensembl or GENCODE annotations.

Recommendations: For 10X Chromium 3’ Single Cell libraries, we use a 500 nt truncation length and a 200 nt merge distance (details in the sqUTRquant manuscript). We recommend filtering transcripts to only protein-coding transcripts with validated 3’ ends. For GENCODE, this means requiring transcript_type "protein_coding" and excluding transcripts with the tag mRNA_end_NF.

Once the GTF, KDX, and TSV files are generated, we recommend placing them in a new folder under extdata/targets. Then, edit the extdata/targets/targets.yaml to include a new entry. This will look something like:


  path: "extdata/targets/custom_target_name/"
  genome: "mm10"
  gtf: "custom_target.gtf"
  kdx: "custom_target.kdx"
  merge_tsv: "custom_target.merge.tsv"
  tx_annots: null
  gene_annots: null

Note that the pipeline supports running on multiple targets in parallel. This can be done in the
configuration file, like so,


  - target1
  - target2
# ...

Or, if specifying targets at Snakemake invocation, one would use the syntax:

snakemake --config target='[target1,target2]' # ...

Snakemake Cluster Profiles

The rules in the Snakefile include threads and resources arguments per rule. These values are compatible for use with Snakemake profiles for cluster deployment. The current defaults will attempt to use up to 16 threads and 16GB of memory in the kallisto bus step. Please adjust to fit the resources available on the deployment cluster. We recommend that cluster profiles include both --use-singularity and --use-conda flags by default. Following this recommendation, an example run, for instance on neuron_1k_v3_fastq, with profile name profile_name, would take the form:

snakemake --profile profile_name --configfile examples/neuron_1k_v3_fastq/config.yaml


Fansler, M. M., Zhen, G., & Mayr, C. (2021). Quantification of alternative 3′UTR isoforms from single cell RNA-seq data with scUTRquant. BioRxiv, 2021.11.22.469635.